Illuminati Watchers

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On this website you will find information on the progression of the New World Order and news and current events relating to the One World Government. We attempt to piece together the information and look at all views of what exactly is happening in this world. Including following the Elitists in control, politics, world events, religious views and prophecy.


This website is dedicated to getting important information to the public which is ignored by the main stream media, and not known by the majority of the public. It is about opening peoples minds up to the lies and manipulation that are used on us to keep us in check and under the total control, through the media, debt, religion and fear.

AGARTHA - Hollow Earth Theory

Prince William Argument

William - The Conqueror (The King of England) = LION / Mouth / Speaking / Charismatic Leader Arthur - King Arthur Pendragon (Celtic, Rome) = BEAR / Feet / Strength / Summer Solstice Philip - Alexander Philip the Great (Greece) = LEOPARD / Body / Conquering /Youth Windsor-Wales - Aryan Keltoi (Cain) = RED DRAGON / Spirit / Anglo-Celtic Power

There have been many interpretations of what or who the antichrist may be. Some say that there will be three antichrists two that have come Hitler and Napolean (though I can't understand who Napolean could be seen as the antichrist) with a third and final antichrist to come. What we do know is that the bible predicts two definative one world leaders or Antichrists who will rule the entire world (Rev 13, Dan 7:8, 11, 23). One will be the main leader, or the Beast, while the other, the False Prophet, will perform miracles and force the world to worship the Beast and his Image. There is past information that seems to fit in with this interpretation. At the time of Jesus of the Nasoreans or Yahoshua ben Joseph as he was known to his contemporaries and even before at the very beginning of the King making secrets everything relied on two pillars. There was the the kingly pillar Jesus, and the priestly pillar who was John the Baptist, until he was killed and taken over by Jesus's brother James. The two pillars are the bases of the freemasons with the pillars Jachin and Boaz being at the front of every lodge. It was always considered that the two pillars needed each other to survive. It struck me that if the two Jesus's (as all messiahs at the time was known as Jesus) why would the antichrist be any different? Two antichrist figures taking the roles of the priestly messiah that leads the people to follow the beast (probably coming from the Vatican) and the kingly messiah the main leader, maybe in the form of a president. This would make sense as to control the world you need to control both government and religion. 
Could Prince William be the Antichrist?